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Grouping elements

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Document A complete document. This is the root element of any structure tree containing multiple parts or multiple articles. ja
Part A large-scale division of a document. This type of element is appropriate for grouping articles or sections ja
Art (Article) A relatively self-contained body of text constituting a single narrative or exposition. Articles should be disjoint; that is, they should not contain other articles as constituent elements. ja
Sect (Section) A container for grouping related content elements. Note 1: For example, a section might contain a heading, several introductory paragraphs, and two or more other sections nested within it as subsections. ja
Div (Division) A generic block-level element or group of elements. ja
BlockQuote (Block quotation) A portion of text consisting of one or more paragraphs attributed to someone other than the author of the surrounding text. ja
Caption A brief portion of text describing a table or figure. ja
TOC (Table of contents) A list made up of table of contents item entries (structure type TOCI) and/or other nested table of contents entries (TOC). A TOC entry that includes only TOCI entries represents a flat hierarchy. A TOC entry that includes other nested TOC entries (and possibly TOCI entries) represents a more complex hierarchy. Ideally, the hierarchy of a top level TOC entry reflects the structure of the main body of the document. Note 2: Lists of figures and tables, as well as bibliographies, can be treated as tables of contents for purposes of the standard structure types. ja
TOCI (Table of contents item) An individual member of a table of contents. This entry’s children may be any of the following structure types: Lbl, Reference, NonStruct, P, TOC, Link ja
Index A sequence of entries containing identifying text accompanied by reference elements (citations to content elsewhere in the document) that point out occurrences of the specified text in the main body of a document. ja
NonStruct (Nonstructural element) A grouping element having no inherent structural significance; it serves solely for grouping purposes. This type of element differs from a division (structure type Div) in that it shall not be interpreted or exported to other document formats; however, its descendants shall be processed normally.
Private (Private element) A grouping element containing private content belonging to the application producing it. The structural significance of this type of element is unspecified and shall be determined entirely by the conforming writer. Neither the Private element nor any of its descendants shall be interpreted or exported to other document formats.

Block-Level Structure Elements

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Table (Table) A two-dimensional layout of rectangular data cells, possibly having a complex substructure. It contains either one or more table rows (structure type TR) as children; or an optional table head (structure type THead) followed by one or more table body elements (structure type TBody) and an optional table footer (structure type TFoot). In addition, a table may have a caption (a brief portion of text describing a table or figure) as its first or last child. ja
TR (Table row) A row of headings or data in a table. It may contain table header cells and table data cells (structure types TH and TD). ja
TH (Table header cell) A table cell containing header text describing one or more rows or columns of the table. ja
TD (Table data cell) A table cell containing data that is part of the table’s content. ja
THead (Table header row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the header of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the top of each table fragment (although there is only one THead element).
TBody (Table body row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the main body portion of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, the body area may be broken apart on a row boundary. A table may have multiple TBody elements to allow for the drawing of a border or background for a set of rows.
TFoot (Table footer row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the footer of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the bottom of each table fragment (although there is only one TFoot element.)

Inline level

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Span (Span) A generic inline portion of text having no particular inherent characteristics. It can be used, for example, to delimit a range of text with a given set of styling attributes. Note 1: Not all inline style changes need to be identified as a span. Text colour and font changes (including modifiers such as bold, italic, and small caps) need not be so marked, since these can be derived from the PDF content (see “Font Characteristics” in, “Extraction of Character Properties”). However, it is necessary to use a span to apply explicit layout attributes such as LineHeight, BaselineShift, or TextDecorationType (see “Layout Attributes for ILSEs” in, “Layout Attributes”). Note 2: Marked-content sequences having the tag Span are also used to carry certain accessibility properties (Alt, ActualText, Lang, and E; see 14.9, “Accessibility Support”). Such sequences lack an MCIDproperty and are not associated with any structure element. This use of the Span marked-content tag is distinct from its use as a structure type ja
Quote (Quotation) An inline portion of text attributed to someone other than the author of the surrounding text. The quoted text should be contained inline within a single paragraph. This differs from the block-level element BlockQuote (see, “Grouping Elements”), which consists of one or more complete paragraphs (or other elements presented as if they were complete paragraphs). ja
Note An item of explanatory text, such as a footnote or an endnote, that is referred to from within the body of the document. It may have a label (structure type Lbl; see “List Elements” in, “Block-Level Structure Elements”) as a child. The note may be included as a child of the structure element in the body text that refers to it, or it may be included elsewhere (such as in an endnotes section) and accessed by means of a reference (structure type Reference). Tagged PDF does not prescribe the placement of footnotes in the page content order. They may be either inline or at the end of the page, at the discretion of theconforming writer. ja
Reference A citation to content elsewhere in the document. ja
BibEntry (Bibliography entry) A reference identifying the external source of some cited content. It may contain a label (structure type Lbl; see “List Elements” in, “Block-Level Structure Elements”) as a child. Although a bibliography entry is likely to include component parts identifying the cited content’s author, work, publisher, and so forth, no standard structure types are defined at this level of detail. ja
Code A fragment of computer program text. ja
Link (Link) An association between a portion of the ILSE’s content and a corresponding link annotation or annotations (see, “Link Annotations”). Its children should be one or more content items or child ILSEs and one or more object references (see, “PDF Objects as Content Items”) identifying the associated link annotations. See “Link Elements” in, “Block-Level Structure Elements,” for further discussion. ja

Illustration Elements

Code Usage PDF/UA
Figure An item of graphical content. Its placement may be specified with the Placement layout attribute (see “General Layout Attributes” in, “Layout Attributes”). ja
Formula A mathematical formula. This structure type is useful only for identifying an entire content element as a formula. No standard structure types are defined for identifying individual components within the formula. From a formatting standpoint, the formula shall be treated similarly to a figure (structure type Figure). ja
Form (Form) A widget annotation representing an interactive form field (see 12.7, “Interactive Forms”). If the element contains a Role attribute, it may contain content items that represent the value of the (non-interactive) form field. If the element omits a Role attribute (see Table 348), it shall have only one child: an object reference (see, “PDF Objects as Content Items”) identifying the widget annotation. The annotations’ appearance stream (see 12.5.5, “Appearance Streams”) shall describe the appearance of the form element. ja


Specify language in parts of texts
